
2-door storage filing cabinet

Original price was: KSh 39,000.00.Current price is: KSh 26,500.00.

Tame the Paper Tiger: Conquer Your Workspace with the 2-door storage filing cabinet

This 2-door storage filing cabinet is your key to an organized and efficient workspace. Crafted from high-quality, durable steel [or material], it provides both strength and a touch of sophistication to your office, home office, or any area needing a storage solution.

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The office cabinet offers plenty of space for folders, books and other office supplies. In addition to the 4 open compartments, behind its doors, the cabinet provides additional storage space.

Keep it situated beside your desk so you can tuck away important documents and forms, or forsake the files altogether for added space to stow working essentials like pens and toner.

Thanks to the detailed instructions, the filing cabinet is quick to assemble, even by those without prior knowledge. The assembly material is included Dimensions: 80cm X 39cm X 200cm (W x H x D).

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